NanoLab Talk abstracts 2018-2019

NanoLab Talks have seen 39 speakers in two years of activity 2018-2019. Have a look at the abstracts list. Within the NanoLab Talks we had 16 EspLORE@NanoLAb talks on topics of interest for the EspLORE project. NanoLab Talks are periodic seminars organized within the activities of the NanoLab group at the Department of Energy at Politecnico di Milano, Italy. The talks are given by experts from academy, research centers and private companies on Education, Science and Technology. The topics spread on different aspects of physics, engineering, materials science, nanotechnology, chemistry and education to a target audience composed by master thesis students, PhDs, post docs, technicians and researchers.

NanoLab Talks are given in seminar room at Building 19 (Leonardo Campus) of the Department of Energy, Politecnico di Milano.

NanoLab Talks Abstracts  2018-2019